How to Trust in the Universe While Navigating Big Life Changes – Interview with Intuitive Kelli Reese

Several months ago, I was on the phone with an amazing woman, Kelli Reese, who is one of my former students. Kelli had done all of my online courses, and she told me that she decided to quit her successful career as the General Manager of a $34m natural foods organization and leave her home in California, to become an Akashic Record reader and move to Mexico! I was inspired by her story and could relate to the spirit of all the big life transitions she had gone through recently.

Personally, I’m no stranger to change. I’ve been a digital nomad for 2.5 years now, and my environment changes on a regular basis. And in a few weeks, I will come to the end of 6 months house sitting around New Zealand, with no idea where I am going next.

Will I settle?

Will I keep travelling?

Where will I go?

Who knows. I am just in a waiting period, for the answer to become clear. Unsettling, but also exciting!!

Kelli is someone who exudes faith and trust in the Universe, and so I wanted to get the low down from this lady on how she knew that it was time to make a change, and once she made the decision, how she handled the transition so gracefully!

In particular, we discuss the following:

  • The signs that come up when our soul is asking us to change course
  • How can we trust the Universe and our intuition in those situations
  • What it’s like to work as an Akashic Record reader
  • Why she felt drawn to reading the Akashic Records in particular

I hope you find the interview interesting!kelli reese

Anna: Welcome to this interview, Kelli! Did you ever imagine, growing up, that you would become a psychic later on? When did your intuitive abilities manifest themselves? 

Kelli: Hi, Anna – it’s great to be interviewed!

Growing up, I did always feel like I “knew” more than I should about people or situations (which is claircognizance.) But I didn’t have anyone in my life to explain or nurture my psychic abilities. And so in my teens, I went to my first psychic reading close to where I lived in California. The psychic told me that I was an intuitive, like her. I knew in my heart that what she was telling me was the truth. And she was the one of the first people to give me validation for what I’d always knew inside.

Anna: So when did you start actively exploring your spiritual side?

Kelli: In my early twenties I found Sylvia Browne’s book, Adventures of a Psychic, which opened up my world to Spirit Guides, the other side, past lives, life lessons and so much more.

Around this time in my life, I moved to New York City and it was there that I went through a spiritual awakening in the mid-90’s. It was during that time that I discovered the Akashic Records and Edgar Cayce. I also found the well-known past life regressionist Brian Weiss and spent a lot of time seeing a Past Life Regression Therapist, an energy healer and attending meditation “parties” where we had incredible discussions. I felt like was finally understood. (It was such a gift to be waking up spiritually in NYC – I had access to a lot!)

Anna: So, around this time, you got into your career as a manager of a natural foods company, and you mentioned that was something you enjoyed for a long time. So when did you start to feel that you needed to change your path and get into the intuitive field?

Kelli: Yes, I loved the work I did in the natural foods industry – I did it for 17 years and my career took me all over the US.

Eventually I began to feel the twinge that something was ‘off’.

There were a few reasons for that.

There were parts of my job that I loved, but the stressful, draining parts started to far outweigh the good. My health began to suffer. And as a health conscious person, I eventually came to the conclusion that I was not willing to sacrifice my body or my health for my job.

In addition, when I finally arrived at the place in my career where I always thought I wanted to be, I realised that something was actually missing, and I pushed aside that feeling for a while. But I see now that feeling was nudging me towards something different, which was doing readings for people.

Over the years, every time I sat across from a psychic for a reading, I always wanted to be the one sitting on the other side of the table. Every psychic would tell me they didn’t understand why I was there since I already knew what they were telling me. I heard it over and over again: that I was going to be doing readings for others.

Eventually I left my job and starting looking for a course that would teach me to do readings. I got online and searched around for Akashic Record certification courses. Your Akashic Record Reading Course came up on Google and reading the course page, it resonated with me on a deep level. I loved that you had different levels, including a Level 2 (the Intuitive Reading Program) and that you used a pendulum. I decided to have a reading from you before I committed.

Anna: Yes, I remember we did an Akashic Record Reading together a few years ago – did getting that Akashic Record reading play a part in your decision to leave your job?

Kelli: It absolutely did.

Your reading confirmed for me what I already knew in my heart. 

When you told me my Soul Gifts, in particular, that I had the Inspirer/Motivator, Catalyst for Change and Coach Archetypes, the way forward was confirmed for me.

Plus I found out my Energy Center of Training was in the seventh Archangelic Realm, which is all about empowering people and helping them to create change. 

After the reading, I signed up for your online courses. I started from the beginning with the Intuitive Awakening Course, which was a great place to start.

Anna: As someone who decided they wanted to give readings professionally, what made you decide to choose an Akashic Record Reading Program, as opposed to a straight channelling or a Tarot reading course, for example?

Kelli: It’s such a great question. I’m someone who likes a clear system and approach to things. Your program provided that for me. If I was confident in doing readings for people, I would have done it 20 years ago. I needed to gain the confidence in my abilities and build a trusting relationship with source and my guides. I needed a program that would guide me every step of the way. I got that with yours.

Plus I knew reading the Akashic Records was the path for me based on my history over the years with them. I feel the Akashic Records can provide so much healing and clarity in our lives. Combined with my years of interest in Past Lives – all signs were pointing to becoming an Akashic Record reader. I just knew it was the right path for me.

Anna: What do you feel are the benefits for a psychic to learn how to read the Akashic records vs. channelling clients’ Spirit Guides (which of course you do, too)

Kelli: There’s benefits to both, but I always start with the Akashic Records because that’s where I’ve seen the lightbulb go off for so many clients.

Many times it provides so much clarity and validation for why they’ve felt a certain way their entire life. Especially when we talk about a significant past life. There’s moments where clients have been brought to tears hearing about their past life or they get a huge rush of chills through their body – that’s hard to explain away.

I also call on my client’s Spirit Guides for a message to pass on to the client or to show me blocks that may be keeping the client from moving forward or from following their heart’s desire. (I typically see those as pictures using my clairvoyance.) It is valuable information, bu I have to say, on it’s own I don’t feel it has the same deep impact and value. It’s really the information from their Akashic Records that has the most impact for people.

Anna: How has learning to read the Akashic Records impacted your life, personally?

Kelli: Learning to read the records has changed my life. I was always dedicated to my spiritual path, but the relationship I have with myself, Spirit, and the Akashic records has provided so much peace, validation and clarity. I trust more in the unknown and the journey of life now more than I ever did.

Plus being of service to others in this way and helping people to remember who they are on the soul level is a gift for me. I feel so grateful after every reading.

Anna: Did you experience any self-doubt or fear when learning to read for other people, and if so, how did you get past that?

Kelli: In the beginning I was excited and a little nervous, but your course has us do a number of practice readings and I gained so much confidence by doing readings for people from all over the world.

My first clients came from your online forums and hearing the feedback from each reading built my confidence in a way I never could have imagined. I didn’t have any fear, in fact after the very first reading, I was so excited, because the client was thrilled and it was so accurate. The Akashic Record Reading course provided everything I needed to be prepared right from the start.

Anna: Do you have any advice for people who are starting out on a similar path of wanting to become a psychic or help other people using their intuition?

Kelli: I think the best advice I can give is this:

To trust your path and where you’re being led.

Also, don’t be afraid to follow your heart even if the path may seem crazy; like walking away from a six-figure job to do readings, like I did! Don’t underestimate your ability to recreate your life. We grow by stretching beyond our comfort zone, so staying safe or having it all figured out isn’t always the best choice. 

Once you make that leap, it takes a lot of trust and sometimes patience. We tend to want things quickly, but as souls, we’re often slow to learn. Plus, it isn’t about the destination – as souls, we grow and learn through the process and the journey.

Personally, in order to make that leap, I had to be willing to get really uncomfortable. But I have to say, I haven’t missed my job or the stress ONCE. Not even for a moment.

Anna: If you could do your journey again, is there anything you would change about it?

Kelli: I think if there was anything, I’d have started doing readings a long time ago. And maybe I would have left my job sooner – I probably didn’t have to get to such a painful, stuck place with my work situation.

Anna: In your book, The Destiny Roadmap, you talk a lot about ‘The Void’ – the place a person visits at a time of transition in their life, when one phase has ended and another one hasn’t yet begun. Personally, what you wrote about The Void, and transitions really resonated with me as I have been in ‘the Void’ in my personal and home life for the last couple of years, as I am a nomad without a base at the moment, but do not plan to have this life forever.

How can readers who are currently in a period of transition (like me) get comfortable with being in the void – what would you advise for moving through such a period in one’s life gracefully?

Kelli: It can be scary when we’re in The Void, because it often feels like we’re staring across a dark abyss and we’ve arrived without a roadmap or GPS. The initial motivation is to quickly figure it out, but the journey through The Void, and life in general, can take patience. It’s all happening in divine timing. So try not to succumb to the fear.

Fear can get the best of us, even if we had valid reasons for landing where we are. Fear rises up frequently to remind us that we still don’t have it figured out. That’s when it’s important to keep moving forward and trust in the guidance. There are signs, we’re being led in The Void, there is a map unfolding with guideposts along the way – recognizing the signs can be tricky, because our fear tries to keep taking over the driver’s seat. It’s wanting to convince us that the only safe place is behind us, in the rearview mirror. It’s what’s familiar, and fear is not a fan of the unknown.

I’ve found when I ask for validation and I’m open to receiving it, it comes. That helps me feel more confident. In addition, the fear is sneaky so it finds clever ways to talk to us with what I call “helpful commentary”. It’s just trying to be helpful and in reality, it’s causing us to worry and question our choices. Identify the resistance (which is really fear in disguise) and ask yourself, how do I believe this resistance is serving me?

Anna: What do you think are some of the signs that people experience when they are on a path that is not right for them and they need to create change in their lives?

Kelli: There’s so many different options here; stress, sometimes health challenges, feeling unfulfilled and not knowing why, sleepless nights, a nagging feeling that something is missing or just not quite right, Feeling like we can’t show up another day for our job or we’re disconnected and unfulfilled in our life, town or marriage. 

In one job I had in NYC, I felt physically ill every time the elevator doors would open to that business and I’d have to step off. THAT was a sign that I was not in the right place. 

The Universe can typically be trying to get our attention over and over again. What I’ve found is, if we’re asking ourselves major questions that seem inconvenient to consider at the time, they can be showing us something is off. 

Anna: Thinking about a day in the life of Kelli Reese, Akashic Record reader, as opposed to Kelli Reese, General manager in a natural foods company, what is most different about your life and work now?

Kelli: The most significant difference now is that I’m no longer hiding a secret desire to do readings – when I was in my old job, I couldn’t use my psychic abilities. Most people didn’t know I had a spiritual side. It was so good to take off the mask I was wearing and come out of the psychic closet.

And then my schedule is my own – I take time off when I want. Plus I work a lot less – I went from 55+ hours a week to 30-35 hours.

I’m not tied to a desk all the time. These days I live and work in Tulum, Mexico (but I’m a digital nomad.) And I have the choice to go anywhere I’d like and work from there. 

One of the things I experienced about being at a high level in management, is that it can be incredibly lonely at the top. Even though I had an amazing support system and team to work with, I found myself feeling unfulfilled and lacking connection. I don’t feel that way these days. 

Anna: How can people work with you?

Kelli: I offer Life Path readings and Soul Profile readings on my website. 

And you can order my book The Destiny Roadmap on Amazon.

I also work one on one with soulful CEOs, Executives and Entrepreneurs as an intuitive leadership coach and I help them navigate the tricky crossroads we come to in life and/or business where things that used to fulfill us feel like they’re not enough anymore.

Thanks so much for doing this interview, Kelli!

Kelli: Thanks, Anna. I’m so grateful for your programs and being able to share my journey with everyone here.

I hope you enjoyed the interview. If you have any comments, please post them below.

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Rene Ostien

    I loved her story and her faith in the process of her life, the trust. I am on disability and stay home now on a fixed income. I have been interested since a young teenager in Metaphysics, Rosicrucianism, which turned into psychics, etc. I have such a desire to be a medium but have no faith that my dream will happen for me, none ever have. I have been in “the void” for so long I think, I feel like I’m doing on the inside. I just want to know if I should even pursue this, I know you can’t tell me unless I pay for a reading but I barely get by. I love your website and you as well, you keep me going and hoping, thank you Anna, so very much. Rene’ Ostien

  2. Crystal

    Do you think reading people online or over the phone is just as clear as if you were in person? I’ve had several readings now and they always seem to be about what my husband is doing in his life. And he isn’t there with me…

  3. Heather

    Anna and Kelli, thank you for this! Kelli, your story is so inspiring. I resonate. And though my story is always evolving, I, too, left a 20 year career doing something I used to love (psychology) in order to fulfill more of my true self. Even though everything looked great on the outside, I knew something was “off.” My life felt hollow and I felt disconnected. After all the plans I’d made to get to this point, I wasn’t fulfilled like I thought I’d be. And, I was exhausted all of the time! I realized I was living all the time in my head, planning, often trying to “figure things out,” rather than allowing my true self and Spirit to lead. All the joy that was possible was kind of blocked. I was blocked. So, I left my career and the stability and much to everyone’s shock, decided I wanted to do readings. Though I thought it would be a straight path, and that I’d be doing readings for people right away, it’s been 2 years since I left, and I hear I’m not ready yet. I’m still learning to live a grounded-spiritual life. And, I’m currently working on surrendering, especially since the path is not certain or visible from the outside. It’s my path. That’s been one of the hardest things: trusting the inner path. I really relate to your description of the void. I go in and out, though my intuition (I’m mostly clairaudient & claircognizant) always tells me (before and after) that it is part of the process. When I’m in it, I feel lost. But, when I’m out of it, I Remember; the pieces come together and the knowing I previously tried so hard to find through thinking or planning is easily accessible. I’d love to hear more of your experience of the void and your journey. Is it in your book?

    Again, thank you for this interview. I can’t tell you how good it is to hear from someone else who’s gone through the process I’m currently in (even if there are differences).

    Thank you and many blessings to you, Kelli and Anna!

  4. Hajir Azad

    Hi Kelli and Anna. I have been visiting this site since i was at uni and the general positive vibe has lifted my spirits many, many times. It’s always a place I come to to feel better 🙂 This was a great read.

    I am also currently in a situation where i cannot use or train my psychic abilities. I am a member of a religion where mixing practises is unfortunately not permitted. So I have been carrying my desire to train and learn more in this area for a while.

    I started on the psychic path a few years back; going to readings, reading books by mediums, and meditating. But I left it and joined a religion instead. This gave me all kinds of new strength and taught me new skills… but as Kelli was saying, you can still feel that something is missing…

    I hope to get to a position really soon where I can be working in this area once again. Anna, you are a wonderful human being and this site is such a beacon of positive energy. 🙂

    Nothing but the best to both of you.

  5. Anna

    Hi Hajir,

    Thanks for your sweet comment and for being a long time reader!


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