Four Ways to Heal Yourself

I believe that healing (bringing ourselves back into alignment with love, wholeness and joy) is a big part of some peoples’ soul purpose here.

Here are some methods/online resources for self-healing which you can use by yourself:

1. Use EFT to tap on negative thoughts and emotions.

For information on this, visit

EFT is an acupressure technique which clears the energy meridians of negative energy. I began using EFT last year to tap on strong emotions like anger and found it to be very effective. If you’re new to EFT, there are videos on there which show you how to tap your negative thoughts and emotions.

2. My absolute favourite resource for self-healing is the work of Byron Katie:

If you have not yet heard about Byron Katie, here’s a bit about her: Byron Katie spent ten years in a deep depression. She felt so unworthy that she slept on the floor even though she had a bed! For two years, she was unable to leave her bedroom because she was so depressed. One day, she came to the realization that when she believed her painful thoughts, she suffered and when she didn’t believe them, she didn’t suffer. Out of this, she developed a method of inquiry, to question her painful thoughts and end her suffering. She now dedicates her life to doing ‘the work’ as she calls it, with other people.

‘The work’ consists of four questions to ask yourself when faced with a thought that doesn’t feel good:

  1. Is it true?

  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?

  4. Who would you be without the thought?

Why I Love ‘The Work’

1. Our overall state of happiness is often so dependent on what we think is true about ourselves and our lives. The work is a reminder that just because we think it, doesn’t make it true. The work has helped me to find peace when faced with thoughts like: ‘I should have more money’, ‘I should be working more’, ‘I should be X or Y or Z when I’m not!’. I used to live my life in a constant state of stress thinking things should be different. Through questioning my stressful thoughts, compared to before, I now spend vastly more time enjoying reality than I do fighting with it and thinking it should be otherwise.

2. The work also helps us to heal past events by putting a different perspective on them and showing you that ‘negative’ experiences are always blessings in disguise in that they have something to teach us or show us. I love the idea that as souls we always send ourselves the most loving experiences possible, even when they appear to be disastrous ones. Something in that strikes a chord of truth in me.

3. The work takes the focus off mindless activity and a state of doing and helps you to shift to a state of ‘being’, where you can be fully present and enjoy reality. I know that one of my natural tendencies is definitely to pursue things that I think will make me happy. In giving in to this tendency, I miss out on enjoying where I am now.

I think that to some degree or other, we all have a tendency to do that – we spend our lives going after something, whether it’s money, love, approval, success, essentially whatever we think will bring us happiness. We can’t find peace because we are attached to notions like ‘I should earn more money’, ‘my children should be more respectful’ or ‘my wife should not have left me’. Instead of being at peace, we see a huge array of problems and are so intent on solving them that we forget that we’re not stopping to smell the roses and enjoy life.

The work is not just about healing, it’s also a tool for manifesting a future that you do want. If you can release your negative beliefs and stories about your present reality, that in turn frees up lots of energy to create more of what you do want in the future! All good in my book.

If you’re new to questioning your thoughts and it seems a bit overwhelming, that’s a normal reaction I think. The fact that we may want to question that bad stuff is bad is definitely a revolutionary idea.

3. Ask for the assistance of the angels to help you to release negative energies

I can think about a negative past event or situation and turn it over in my mind for weeks, but if I do the below exercise, it’s gone within five minutes.

So I personally use the following exercise to release anything in my past that creeps up on me and makes me feel sad/embarrassed/guilty/angry/fearful. I’m talking about the kind of memories which are so uncomfortable to think about, you stuff them into a corner of your brain. Did you know that repressing and burying memories or feelings actually uses up a lot of energy?

Things you can use this releasing exercise on:

  • Hurtful things said to you in the past
  • Things you have done/said in the past which you feel guilty about
  • To release strong anger, resentment or other negative feelings connected to past events
  • To let go of persistent negative memories which won’t leave you alone
  • To allow you to forgive somebody or to ask their forgiveness

Imagine a green light burning at your heart chakra. This represents your compassion for yourself. Call on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael (Michael is the protector and Raphael the healer). (The angels come if you call them. But they respect your free will and will not come without your express invitation.)

Do a breathing exercise to quiet your thoughts and emotions and to raise your vibration. Inhale to the count of four, hold to the count of four and exhale to the count of eight, and repeat.

Set an intention for the releasing process. For example: ‘I intend to put X out of my mind’ or ‘I intend to release this emotion which is draining my energy’.

The releasing process is this:

 Say out loud (or in your mind):

The anger I feel towards X for breaking his promise to me (as an example), thank you for being here.

All the parts of me which are protecting this issue, return now to Source

All the negative effects of this issue, return now to Source, never to return again or to affect me in mind, body or spirit.

The anger I feel towards X for breaking his promise to me, return now to Source, I forgive you, Thank you.

(Visualize the angels taking your anger to the light of God to be transmuted to love energy)

If there are lots of different feelings and aspects to your situation, you may want to split them up and release them one by one.

I am only just comprehending how powerful asking the angels to remove negativity really is. Using a method very similar to this one, I have seen amazing results with clients and myself. You may see working with angels as wishful thinking. It is really not. Ask the angels from your heart to help you and they will work on your behalf.

4. Let go of the hurtful things you’ve heard from others

Another way to clear words or actions that have hurt you: My teacher Anna Wolf (who is an angel intuitive and healer) recommends writing down any trauma/event or hurtful things that have been said onto a piece of paper and burning it. Another method to use is ripping up the paper into tiny pieces and putting it into a container filled with water. Then put the container in the freezer for three months.

Further Reading on Other Ways to Achieve Healing:

Meet Anna

Hi, I’m Anna Sayce! My purpose here on this website is to provide practical techniques and information to help empaths to understand, and fix the root of their energetic overwhelm & also to help sensitives to embrace and develop their intuitive gifts. I believe that developing our spiritual & intuitive side is very powerful and allows us to improve our own lives, and if we wish, even make the world a better place for others. Discover more >


  1. Mahreen

    I found this really useful, especially the angel method. It’s also funny that you example is exactly what I need to say! I’ve tried some EFT but I’m not sure how much it helped with regards to a specific issue. I found that it was great in just raising my vibration. Also been tapping my chakras…which has been interesting.

  2. Anna

    Hi Mahreen,

    Nice to see you here! Glad you found the exercise useful. (I don’t know who Daniel is…just a name that came to me!)

  3. angelroses

    hiya anna
    thank you again..i have angels in my thoughts..i love anything

  4. Koros

    I never believe in telephaty until recently i met with one who practically practice and everything comes you doubt? Come i take u and u will never again doubt.

  5. tracy

    There’s this guy that I’ve been attracted to for the longest time and then when I finally decided to get over him, he comes back in my life and says Hello, I was hung up over him for another three months before I decided enough was enough. One day I opened up a word document and wrote him a letter of how I felt about him and when I was finish I just exit the document without saving. I haven’t thought of him in a while now. I think it really helps to release all that unwanted energy so that I can use those energy for other things in my life.

  6. Lieba


    I have been reading a lot of your articles and all I have to say is Thank You so very very much.
    I do not want to think how many hours you have sat writing all this information for our benefit, and for that I am forever grateful as it has helped and is helping me develop my skills as a holistic therapist.

    thank you and may god bless your amazing and special work you do

    Lots of love

  7. Kristy

    Thankyou for your beautiful post. Feeling sad today and wanting to learn how to self heal, so typed in ‘ways to heal yourself spiritually’ and I saw your site. Was very happy to read that I am already doing some things right, for I wrote my Angels a letter earlier asking for their healing help and to help me release any negative thought patterns I may be holding. I will use the exercise you wrote up above today and hopefully be feeling happy and balanced again soon. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. X

  8. Stephen

    I have read your article on clairvoyance and I believe I have that gift. I am about to do the exercises to un-jam my chakra because like you I also had an unpleasent event with spirits in the past when I was young. I am very anxious but I am also scared of what could happen wish me luck.

  9. steven petersen

    I love your website anna. My name is steve. I amworking on the healing myself technic that you posted. I also wanted to ask you the best way to open my third eye. I already get pictures in my mind of people in full color. Do you think these are spirit. Thanks steven

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